Friday, June 15, 2007

love me, love my sticky fingers

So I’ve decided to try to think of something ‘bloggable’ each day. As |’ve previously said about scrapbooking: “if it ain’t worth scrapping, it ain’t worth doing”. I’ll try to do the same with blogging.

So you get the picture that I’m a ‘scrapper’…despite sounding tough and “xtreme”, it’s actually a supremely nerdy hobby. It’s great for holy rollers, shut-ins and MILFs (if you take out the ILF part). You get to sit on your ass all day and glue pictures of your kids in Halloween costumes. At the end of the process you have marvelously detailed books documenting your life…while you’ve spent most of it hunched over piles of cardstock (NEVER call it ‘paper’) and hording scraps of ribbon and adhesive (NEVER call it ‘glue’).

As I don’t have children and due do the fact that I’m not a holy roller*, my scrapbooks are limited to trips, my family/friends, and of course, my cat. This is every bit as fascinating as it sounds. My cat’s first doctor visit and haircut are lovingly scrapped as well as her first ‘birthday’ (the anniversary of when she was adopted) and the kitty ‘shower’ I threw for myself before she was adopted. I know it all sounds pathetic and sad, but frankly…I don’t curr (dirty-south for ‘care’ of course). At least I don’t have “Cathy” comics pasted to my computer screen at work!

More later. I gotta get home and scrap. I heard about a scrapbook sidewalk sale in a nearby suburb! Holla!

(*tangent alert: so after I’d just started working at this horrible software company in 2000 I went to happy hour with some of my new colleagues—at a tiki bar across the street from motels for bus drivers and their….um…”new friends”—and was asked “are you a holy roller?” after having not been asked a single question all evening. I answered, “oh hell no!”, but I always wondered what the appropriate response would have been if I had, in fact, been a ‘holy roller’…who hangs out at tiki bars in sketchy parts of town)

1 comment:

Sara Moon said...

Sigh. Can't stop smiling. I get to talk to you and you aren't even around.
I love to hear what's rolling around in that GD funny noggin' of yours. So many things in that post that make me LMAO!!!!!
Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you for playing along. MWAH!!!