Tuesday, February 19, 2008

FINALLY...a reason to blog!

So after months of pestering by my brother and his girlfriend Jennifer I finally saw the movie "Once". Now, it came and went from the theaters and had been in my Blockbuster.com list for some time and if finally arrived.
HOLY CRAP! What a great movie.
If you love (or like, or even can tolerate) music, this is great. So romantic and lovely and did I mention the music? It's only 86 minutes long so if you're one of those that falls asleep during movies, you might actually stay awake long enough to see it all the way through. Only recommendation I would make is to put on the captions. Charming Irish accents are charming and all that, but with indie-movie sound it's hard to make out what they're saying. LOVE me some captions.
Here's a clip of the Oscar-nominated song that runs through the movie.
Just beautiful. Enjoy....

Good lord. This movie made me have a crush on a REDHEAD for crying out loud!!