Friday, June 22, 2007


i am a wreck from these dang allergies!! when i was younger i used to look down on people who were weak and sickly because of allergies (came from my dad who used to make fun of high school boyfriend ralph and his many allergies). i just thought it was something that wusses complained about. karma's a bee-atch!
when i first moved to oregon, all the transplants said that it would take a few years to develop allergies. what they failed to mention was that instead of getting used to it, your body seems to get worse and worse! i've been here over 7 years now (OMG time flies!) and it's worse this year than ever before!!
i take a claritin in the morning (it's supposed to be 12 hours) and by the afternoon i'm sneezing with snot running down my face. great. i've been self-medicating with cheap red wine, but that just makes me sweat....while sneezing with snot running down my face. i'm a freakin delight! i have kleenex at every stage of use (clean, a little used, used, VERY used) in all my jackets and pockets. guh-ross!
i went to a scrapping function* the other night and the lady offered my a claritin. how mentally challenged am i that i never thought of taking a 2nd dang pill!?!?! holla! i ended up needing another one a few hours later, but the point was made.
i'm now that loser that has a NASAL spray (nasonex) in her purse at all times. i haven't used it, but knowing it's there seems to make me feel better. i reckon i'm afraid to use the nasal sprays because (1) in spanish it's pronounced "espr-eye" which is weird to say (remarkable how often i speak spanish during the day) and (2) it reminds me of my freshman year band director.
Mr. Vanlandingham was an obese gentleman who every couple of minutes or so would whip out his nasal spray and go to work. it was just a quick 'spritz-spritz', but it certainly made an impact. i've always heard it's addictive, but dang. there are way sexier addictions!
i'm also afraid i'm becoming one of them 'mouth-breathers'. those people always grossed me out, but i find myself able to only breathe comfortably through my mouth. eww.
i hate to say it, but i blame my itchy eyes 100% on my angel-kitty beso. thank goodness for james' allergy visine. isn't it amazing how white your eyes can be with visine?! holy moly!

lord help me if my nightly glass(es) of wine are contributing to my allergies. i guess i'll just have to wear a bib and mop my eyes/nose with it...

*the scrapping function was held at the home of a woman who hooked me up with the online scrapping thing i've tried to do. she and her husband adopted 2 babies from china and are all into the adopted-chinese-girls community in portland. the other ladies there had also adopted from china and one from bulgaria. they were also elementary teachers!! it was nice to chat with them, but it was better to get home and do my work without Barney singing in the background.

1 comment:

Sara Moon said...

Wouldja use the Nasonex already? You people and your fear of medication. USE IT! Go into the bathroom and honk it up there.

Nasonex is not addictive - its that other over the counter one that is heavenly that is addictive. What is the name of that one? I used it a few times when I had permastuffed nose and it worked like a dream. For fear of addiction, I quit using it and went with Nasonex. I don't need it anymore, but it'll help.

LOVE LOVE LOVE the visual of you mouth breathing with a bib on and your wine in one hand, other petting kitty with your tissues strewn about the floor. You and your tissues. I've seen enough of THAT to last a lifetime.

Keep 'em coming!!!! Love it!!