Thursday, October 23, 2008

mexican memories: dos

Here are a few more I just remembered....

--NOW: I could feel my thigh-hairs blowing in the wind as I was sunning myself. Sadly, somewhere along the line I've become my mom and have stopped shaving above the knee as often as I should. THEN, I would have shaved every bit of my legs...and then some. Meow! (not to worry, I was appalled at myself and promptly got rid of the long locks blowing in the wind--a gross feeling, by the way)
--NOW: I listened to my iPod on the beach....of a 60 Minutes podcast!!!!! WTF?!?!?! Seriously, how OLD am I??!?!?!?!?! THEN, I toted a 40-lb boombox from Texas to Cancun in order to listen to Soundgarden CDs, and now I'm listening to something only 80 year-olds care about?!?! ugh. sad. I blame the upcoming election for this behavior.
--NOW: I carried a purse everywhere I went...with a packet of kleenex in it! Only grandmas carry a permanent stash of Kleenex on them at all times! THEN, it was $ and lipstick (wine with everything by Revlon)and a hotel key in the pocket and that was IT!
--NOW: I wore long skirts to hide my girth and BodyGlide to prevent chafing from my giant thighs rubbing together. THEN: two words--Daisy Dukes.

Regardless, I intend on going back to the area again and again, as long as I can. It's just too beautiful. The water in Cancun is so turquoise, it truly almost hurts to look at it. So vibrant. I hope to add a photo of the water soon...gotta download from the camera.

Can't wait to go back. If my lady-bits don't work and there aren't any babies in my future, expect to find me plunking down my $$$ on a beachfront condo. My fantasy is to look like this lady by the time I'm 45.

1 comment:

Sara Moon said...

Hi-fuckin'-larious. LOVE it!!