Friday, March 28, 2008


So, finally to catch up on my previous post about the alligator shirt saga....

Monday (as promised) I went down to Sak's to see their selection of Lacoste shirts. Holy crap. There were tons. I grabbed a stack of blue shirts because they were calling my name. I didn't want pink (too preppy) or yellow (i look ill in yellow) or green (too University of Oregon), so I figured a pretty blue would be nice.

I tried them all on and wouldn't you know it? I actually liked the red one better!

Until I saw the black. SO TYPICAL for me!! I TRIED to get out of my comfort zone and was sucked back into black! (no picture yet)

Then I went nuts and bought a long-sleeve stiped shirt (pink and light grey)!!!
There goes my spending money for a couple of months.
Phew. At least I can sleep at night now.

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