Thursday, November 1, 2007

mutha of all genius!

who knew those cops were such geniuses?!?!?!
i have in my hands an apple cider cake donut (it's autumn in the northwest and there's apple cider pretty much everywhere you look) and a cup of dunkin donut vanilla coffee (dunkin donuts have been erradicated from the nw [thank you, krispy kreme! :)], but the ground coffee is available at the store). HOLY CRAP!!
To my knowledge i'd never before 'dunked' a donut in coffee. Normally i get the light, fluffy krispy kremes and they just didn't seem well-suited for dunking. honestly, would you ever think to dunk an angel's wing? of course not!
well, let me tell ya. these cake donuts (purchased yesterday from a pumpkin patch type place, so a little stale) are PERFECT for dunking. they're dense, covered in granular sugar and soak up the vanilla coffee just right. HOLLA!!!
damn!! now i have another addiction that is neither good for me nor slimming. oh well. add another couple dozen dimples to my ass and call me a coffee and donut-aholic. i'm done for.

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