Monday, October 1, 2007

whoopsee! A whole month went by!

Holy crap!
I wish I oould say I've been so swamped with work and exciting adventures that I haven't had a chance to blog...but that would be a dad-burn lie. I've just been lazy. Nothing exciting to blog about (because my blog is nothing if not GRIPPING).

A thought did occur to me the other day. I was standing at the airport magazine rack searching for something to occupy my mind during my hour-long flight to Boise for work. I'm at a crossroads in my life.

I've outgrown teen magazines (actually, my last subscription to seventeen expired before i even turned 17!). I have almost no clue who those people are, nor do i care.
I'm not interested in's more like a college-aged Seventeen magazine, though with a lot more soft-core porn.
There's plenty of fashion/celebrity magazines I sometimes like (Allure, Glamour, etc), but sometimes when I'm working it's just too taxing to be paying attention to the 'best shimmer lotion' or the '$500 trench you MUST have this season'.
When I was getting married, I often got those stupid wedding magazines. 7 of the 12 pounds of the magazine were ads for big poofy dresses. Even so, I just felt like I HAD to get them. It was like a compulsion. What if I missed the 1 little touch that would change my 'big day'?!?! Not much was actually applicable...unless I was a zillionaire with Las Vegas taste.
There are always those 'lifestyle' magazines like Oprah, Martha, Real Simple, etc. Those always make me feel (alternately) like a total slob (the contents of my purse exceed my body weight and don't include anything clean or in working order) or a total hamburger helper (I never cook huge batches of dinner on the weekends then freeze for the week).
I'm not even going to consider the news magazines. Too depressing and infuriating!!
Travel magazines are fun...but it's painful to see all the fabulous places I'll never afford to visit.
Since I'm not pregnant or trying, baby magazines are O-U-T!
So, I'm at that hazy area between young women magazines and old lady magazines (am I really finding myself reading--and enjoying--Redbook at the doctor's office?!?!? holy crap).

thank goodness for britney and angelina jolie. otherwise i'd have to break down and buy something pathetic like Cat Fancy...for those who love (and more than likely only love) cats!

1 comment:

Sara Moon said...

Finally!! Yet another brill-yant piece of voice from ya. Welcome back!