Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I just went to my beloved annual 'lady exam' (always a treat, let me tell ya!). Now, normally my old (literally) doctor would start off by saying "well you're at the age where..." then tell me about needing to really think about starting a family...blah blah blah.
Imagine my shock/horror when she says, "well you're at the age where...we need to schedule you for a baseline MAMMOGRAM!!!!" I was still mid-"aww, shucks, I just don't know about all that"-head shake when her words hit my gray matter. MAMMO- WHAT?!?!? I'm "only" 35! Those aren't supposed to start until 40!!! What's next, a hip replacement? I know it's better to get a look-see before 40, but DANG. Combined with the fact that I found myself checking out loose Coldwater-Creek style sweaters instead of the hot-to-trot tops at Nordstroms means I really AM getting old. How did this happen??

So, i'll have to take my old flapjacks in for a squeeze next Tuesday. Should do wonders for my self image. Good thing they'll give me a free neck and shoulder massage afterwards. LOVE that! :)

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