Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The C List 1-3

You know how Oprah has all those things she showcases in her magazine on the "O" list or whatever? Gorgeous, tiny candles for $50, crackers made from saffron and rose petals in a thai orphanage...
Well, I think I can come up with a similar list...on a more modest budget. :)

Today, my #1 favorite thing is the Hanky Panty. They're one size fits all, so no stress about sizes. They're all elastic lace, so they're super comfy, but look feminine. They're thongs, but I swear they're comfy. LOVE em. Only thing is, I caught an unfortunate glance at myself in the mirror this morning and my ass in that lace thong looked like I was trying to strain cottage cheese through a lace curtain. SCARY!

Another love of my life (which, I'm sure contributes to the cottage cheese ass i'm luggin around) is the 100 calorie Hershey snack treat of chocolate covered wafers. VERY much like Kit Kats, but with less guilt. Gotta stick to just 1 packet (2 bars) at a time.

#3 favorite thing is the magazine "Ready Made". It's all about reusing household stuff in fun, creative ways. Not that I'll actually ever do any of it, but I'd like to know how you can take a pair of old-man "slacks" and turn them into a yoga mat bag. Sure doing it yourself only costs $12, but it involves 17 steps!! Shoot, I can drive my cottage cheese ass to Target and get a brand new bag for the same price. AND it wouldn't have that old man smell!

So there you have it. 3 fun things that I just love today. Tomorrow is another day with even more things to love...

p.s. i don't buy that owen wilson was so distraught over losing that ninny Kate Hudson that he'd try to kill himself. i blame drugs and too much ass-play. and that's THAT! mystery solved.


Sara Moon said...

oooooh!! I love this post!! I will try all your suggestions! I love the 100 calorie snack pack of Reese's pieces/cereal/pnut butter m&ms. You should try that one too!

Love your Owen Wilson comment! I haven't been paying too much attention, but I bet my Peoples mag (as catherine calls it) will have lots of dirt! Are they saying it was because of Katie H.?? I figgered.

You must make these posts more public, chica!! People would love this stuff!! Who reads this - seriously? Have you told some peeps?

Clarissa said...

girl, i think you're my only reader, and that's fine by me!