Tuesday, September 30, 2008

it's time for mesico, people!

the countdown has begun. only 3.5 days until we leave for a week in playa del carmen. i have yet to:
1) lose 30 pounds
2) get more tan than a sheet of notebook paper (them blue lines are like my lovely spider veins--hot!)
3) wax my 'stache and brows (FORGET ABOUT ANYWHERES ELSE, sheesh!)
4) reserve a rental car
5) check the weather for the week we're there
6) begin taking black walnut tincture to prevent beach-ceviche-gastrointestinal-apocalypse version 2.0
7) return my overdue library book and secure beach-read
8) sync my ipod with fun new podcasts
9) try on swimsuits to ensure any of them fit--not likely
10) convince my husband not to take the computer and be tempted to work while on the beach. though, i plan on nursing a beer buzz 24/7, so what do i care?!

ok. lots to do and i'm here at work! craziness.

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