Wednesday, February 4, 2009

fair weather UNfriend

we've had gorgeous weather lately. stunningly clear. bright and shiny. mountain views everyday. decent temps (above 35). TOTALLY uncharacteristic. it mocks me. it reminds me how little i do outdoors. part of the beauty of living here is being able to say, "oh, i can't [insert outdoor activity here], it's too nasty outside". Without that excuse, i'm forced to face the truth...i'd almost always rather be inside than out. Sick, I know.

Even my vitamin D levels reflect my shut-in tendancy. My doctor has me taking supplements....or I could get more sunshine. Sadly, we're so dang north that even if I were to lay out in the beautiful sunshine, I wouldn't get what I need. I asked him to prescribe me a beach vacation, but he missed my attempt at humor and reminded me of the hazards of sunburns and skin cancer.

Do I have to move to North Dakota to avoid outdoor activity temptations? It's bad enough that the summers are so freakin beautiful here. Makes you feel so bad that you're not out hiking or climbing something.

On an unrelated tip: Anyone wanna meet me in Florida March 25ish?!?!? I wanna go to Disneyworld and can't convince my poop of a husband to go!


Sara Moon said...

Wheeeeeeeee Disney!!
(hellllllllllsssss no.)

(so jealous of the beauty that surrounds you...)

Stephanie said...

yea, I'm with Sara. You better get out there and enjoy some of that outdoor beauty! I wish we could do Disney again, but I guess we will pass.

Tonya said...

I just checked to see when daylight savings time starts and it is right around the corner on March 8th. Maybe we can make a pact to run two nights a week along the water front?

Clarissa said...

SHIT, tonya! you're going to FORCE me to (1) get out of the house and (2) RUN?!?!

my head says no, my thighs say "dear God, YES PLEASE!!"

Tonya said...

It's either that or quit eating! Somethings gotta give! and since I can't seem to quit eating, I better hit the running trails and I need some good company! Say Monday and Thursday nights? Meet me at my office??

Clarissa said...

ok. monday and thursday. :(((