Sunday, February 22, 2009

fuzzy slideshow

ok, how much do i love my "fuzzy" keyword slideshow?!?!? it's the #1 word that comes to mind when i think of my beloved kitty, Beso, so i thought it would be fun to see what Flickr images come up. Granted there are lots of kitties, hamsters, and sweaters...but there are also PEOPLE. like a chick that looks like my friend carmen, a clearly gay couple, and a 80s picture of a bunch of ladies hanging around a kitchen. Weird! love it! sometimes i just sit and watch the images go by and wonder...fuzzy? how??

i'm easily amused.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

another FB questionnaire

Rather than do this of FB (where people may see it), I'll hide my answers here. :)

1. Who was your FIRST prom date? Ralph

2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love? No.

3. What was your 1st alcoholic drink? Besides sips of my dad's beer, probably a wine cooler.

4. What was your FIRST job? Montgomery

5. What was your FIRST car? 1976 volvo (eventually the front end was 1978 and the rear was 1976)

6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today? I haven't gotten any texts today - I don't get very many :(

7. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning? james. his alarm was trying to wake me up

8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher? no clue, but i liked her.

9. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane? Montgomery Alabama to visit aunt cleo and uncle jack and their scary-ass poodle, Nit Noi

10. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk? (as a little, little girl) kari moore and andrea best--kari passed away, but andrea Yes (on FB)

11. Where was your FIRST sleep over? Kari and/or Andrea

12. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today? james

13. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time? no clue--i was the go-to flower girl in our family for a few years

14. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning? cuddled the kitty

15. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to? besides rodeo concerts at the astrodome/san antonio, billy joel

16. FIRST tattoo? hook em

17. First piercing? My ears as a baby. SO mezican.

18. First foreign country you've been to? mexico, duh. almost mandatory if you live in south texas

19. FIRST movie you remember seeing? there were so many....maybe the biggest one i remember was Grease.

21. What was the first state you lived in? Texas

22. Who was your FIRST roommate? Steph!

23. If you had one wish. What would it be? Unlimited wishes, duh.

24. What is something you would learn if you had the chance? to love exercise. impossible, i know.

25. Who do you think will be the next person to post this? On FB? no clue

Monday, February 9, 2009


after watching saturday night live where they made fun of bjork, james showed me this little gem on youtube.

she's complete nutter and should have probably been hospitalized a long time ago, but she's so dang cute, you can't look away!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

stupid FB questions

Some of my "friends" have been doing this on FB and their answers have really gotten me (and steph--i think) revisiting our recollection of the past. Here ya go...


1. Did you date someone from your school?

2. Did you marry someone from your high school?

3. Did you car pool to school?
Ok. My memory says yes: Steph and I would take turns driving to school....and picking up Patty (which apparently never happened according to her) and Michelle F (which neither of us remember).

4. What kind of car did you have?
banged up old volvo

5. What kind of car do you have now?
banged up old civic

6. Its Saturday night...where are you now?
i was watching slumdog millionaire (this time with the husband and some friends)

7. Its Saturday night...where were you then?
sitting at home or driving around (steph remember when we got pulled over for reckless driving on SPID/xpressway?? that was weird), or bowling, or something else nerd.

8. What kind of job did you have in high school?

9. What kind of job do you do now?
education specialist (i'm awesome)

10. Were you a party animal?
too nerdy--ok, and patty says she was at all kinds of parties?? WHEN?! she was bummin rides off of us to do nothing.

11. Were you considered a flirt?
Heck if I know. I’ve been told that I was heavily lusted after, but I think that was just nature.--says michelle f. (shuddering)

12. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
Band, duh.

13. Were you a nerd?
Ummm…yes and no. I didn’t study enough to be a true nerd, but I was smart enough to be considered one.--says michelle. this is awesome.

14. Did you get suspended or expelled?

15. Can you sing the fight song?
i think so! hail to our high school, honor to thy name....blah blah...GREGORY PORTLAND HIGH!

16. Who was/were your favorite teacher(s)
mr salinas--i felt bad for him; i ate crunch bars and slept (with a tiny pillow!!) in his class. good old days.

17. Where did you sit during lunch?
band hall

18. What was your school's full name?
Gregory-Portland High School

19. When did you graduate?

20. What was your school mascot?

21. If you could go back and do it again, would you?
good lord no.

22. Did you have fun at Prom?
I didn't go to my senior prom. I wasn’t going to go without a date and my bf was on a JETS competition trip.--says michelle. WTF is JETS??
I say: yeah, i went with ralph, who was in college by then--i wonder if that was weird for him? i thought i was a badass.

23. Do you still talk to the person you went to Prom with?
not in about 10 years. sad...

24. Are you planning on going to your next reunion?
AW HAAAAAIIIIIILLLLL no. unless you wanna go, steph. ;)

25. Do you still talk to your friends from high school?
just the one that really matters. MISS YOU, STEPH!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

fair weather UNfriend

we've had gorgeous weather lately. stunningly clear. bright and shiny. mountain views everyday. decent temps (above 35). TOTALLY uncharacteristic. it mocks me. it reminds me how little i do outdoors. part of the beauty of living here is being able to say, "oh, i can't [insert outdoor activity here], it's too nasty outside". Without that excuse, i'm forced to face the truth...i'd almost always rather be inside than out. Sick, I know.

Even my vitamin D levels reflect my shut-in tendancy. My doctor has me taking supplements....or I could get more sunshine. Sadly, we're so dang north that even if I were to lay out in the beautiful sunshine, I wouldn't get what I need. I asked him to prescribe me a beach vacation, but he missed my attempt at humor and reminded me of the hazards of sunburns and skin cancer.

Do I have to move to North Dakota to avoid outdoor activity temptations? It's bad enough that the summers are so freakin beautiful here. Makes you feel so bad that you're not out hiking or climbing something.

On an unrelated tip: Anyone wanna meet me in Florida March 25ish?!?!? I wanna go to Disneyworld and can't convince my poop of a husband to go!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Quick x2: Week of 1/26-2/1

*Slow and lazy. That’s me. Went to the gym once all week. Napped through the rest of the week (or as Perez Hilton says, “weak”).

*I traveled for work, which was nice. I got to stay in a beautiful historic hotel in Ashland— Totally charming, small room facing the mountains. A-freakin-dorable! Too bad the sidewalks roll up at 5pm, I couldn’t get to visit any of the equally adorable shops in town. At least I wasn’t tempted to shop!

*I’m reading another Anne Lamott book—she’s so good and funny and touching. If you haven’t read any of her books and consider yourself a Christian, you must check her out. Her thoughts on faith are so approachable and realistic. Not holier-than-thou in the LEAST. Very real. If you don't consider yourself a Christian, reading her might convince you that not all Christians and preachy and self-righteous.

*I’m so dang forgetful. Is it me or is it early Alzheimers??? I made it to the airport for my trip to Ashland to find I’d left all my very important stuff at home. I had to rebuy toiletries; find a decent book (the Anne Lamott); run without my ipod (truly unholy), and read my new book without my reading glasses (thankfully the wine I had at dinner eased the eye strain). Once I got home I missed the parking shelter because I was busy checking status updates on FB—ok, not Alzheimer’s fault, but still silly. Felt like an ass when the parking patrol guy came up and asked if I needed anything. He probably saw me shuffling around with my bag for ½ hour and thought to investigate.

*OMG. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Battlestar Galactica! It sounds incredibly nerd, but it’s actually really, really good. Between BSG and Friday Night Lights, my Friday evenings are full of quality. For REALS!!! Pathetic.

*Shopping at costco feels so decadent. No, one really doesn’t need 40 lbs of chicken salad, but boy-howdy it’s only $12. How can I resist?? Brilliant!

*Saw “Slumdog Millionaire”. Holy crap. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen something so movingly, aching, painfully beautiful. I gasped, felt my stomach lurch, cried, laughed, and wanted to take home everyone in this movie. No words can sum up how much I loved this movie. Can’t wait to see it again. Beautiful. In another life I’d like to come back as Frieda Pinto—stunning.

Happy birthday Sara (again, and late)! :))

QUICK: jan. 19-25

******ALL ABOUT OBAMA!! *******
I watched the inauguration on the web at work—oops! SOOOO many emotions—awe, pride, happiness, fear, nervousness, but most of all teary! To see such a smart and capable man take over after 8 miserable years of destructive and embarrassing nonsense was such a RELIEF! My faith in my country was restored.

And then…..

*I saw FB “friends” post their fears and complaints about Obama. Can you “unfriend” based soley on political views?!? I admit, reading those comments made me unexpectedly MAD. I honestly couldn’t believe there were people out there who could see this so completely differently. They even MISSED BUSH!! Unreal and distressing. Naturally, these people are living in Texas and couldn’t wait for him to return “home”—whatever, they can HAVE his idiotic ass. WANT TO PUKE WITH FRUSTRATION!

*Even more pukeworthy: CARROT CAKE!
I rarely bake. I fear all things that call for flour. Baking is precise and scientific and I’m enthusiastically half-assed. Now, the reason why I even made a cake speaks to my half-assedness. I have no concept of weights and measures (hense, I weigh more than the woman who was pregnant with 8 babies). I wanted to order carrots from the grocery store (James does all his shopping online, I occasionally add to his list), but the little pictures don’t tell you much about scale. I thought the 1 pound bag of carrots sounded kinda light, as did the 2 pound bag, so I went for the 5 pound bag of carrots. HOLY S#$%!!! I had more carrots than I knew what to do with! I roasted them, I candied them, I ate them with hummus and peanut butter….and STILL had a bag-load! So, I broke down and attempted the carrot cake recipe my mom has been using all my life (it’s my dad’s favorite, so she makes it every xmas for his bday). The cake (despite my fears) came out great…maybe a little too moist (I didn’t completely drain the pineapple), but the M-Fing ICING! Ugh!! Let’s see, it calls for powdered sugar, butter, cream cheese and vanilla. How exactly does that end up tasting like m-fing POISON?!?! It was bitter as all hell, but the husband swore it was good. He’s really too sweet sometimes. I knew that s*** was forked up!! I hate baking. SO frustrating. I can’t ever seem to get it all to work. I’ll leave it to Betty Crocker next time.

*Shopping Spree
Something came over me and I became a shopping fool. It’s all those ‘sale’ signs that did me in! Granted, nothing was expensive or luxurious, it just all adds up! Here’s the rundown of what I did in 1 afternoon:
-Spices at Penzey’s: so fun. I love that Martha Stewart and I shop at the same spice store. I rule!
-A couple of cheap-ass sweaters at TJ Maxx. I love that it’s known as TJ Mex in more Hispanic-heavy areas of town. ;)
-Another bottle of that L’Occitane stuff I love so much, plus a couple of other things….only had to spend $50 for the FREE TOTEBAG!! Ugh. I’m such a sucka.
-Tops at TALBOT’S. WTF?!?! Who the hell am I--a sorority lady?! But they were cute and cheap, just my style.
-Even MORE stuff at Bath and Body. That sale just doesn’t stop!
-Walmart. I’m a total hypocrite. I hate all that is Walmart, but I end up there more than I’d like. I went in to get a tub of cream cheese icing and a bottle of vanilla (for the damn cake—above), but ended up with $50 worth of CRAP! Stoopid!
-A new fancy hot iron to make my hair suri-straight. My old iron bit the dust after many years, so it was a little sad to have to say goodbye.

I think I’m done shopping for a while. I’ve got to get my s*** straight!